All Plastic Flow Meter


Truflo TK Series Plastic Flow Meter

When dealing with corrosive chemical applications, choosing the Truflo plastic flow meter is the best decision an operator can make. The all plastic flow meter is available in PVC, PP, and PVDF for your most aggressive applications.

The Truflo all plastic flow meter not only provides an LED local display for flow rate and flow total but the all plastic flow meter will also provide you with 4-20mA, Pulse and Relay outputs. Most all plastic flow meters have an accuracy of 5% of full scale, with the Truflo all plastic flow meter you will receive a 1% accuracy rating, standard.

Truflo's all plastic flow meters offer the distributor or customer the best wetted materials as a standard, ceramic rotor pin and bearings, ETFE tefzel paddle, and all VITON o-rings.

The all plastic flow meter consists of three pieces, the body, the paddle and the controller but all of which is provided in one SKU, making the ordering process much easier on procurement agents. Most all plastic flow meters will offer a paddle assembly, installation fitting, and the controller as all different components, leading to frustration. Recently a chemical distribution company approached Truflo with the task of providing an accurate and durable all plastic flow meter for hydrochloric acid. They had already tried a few all plastic flow meters but they were not providing the accuracy or withstanding the industrial environments.

The Truflo all plastic flow meter is providing the yard manager with readings that he needs to complete his job. No company provides an all plastic flow meter quite like Truflo. With hundreds of installations in chemical process lines, truflo's all plastic flow meter is tried and true. Most all plastic flow meters require tedious programming, not truflo's all plastic flow meter which comes ready to install with the k-factor pre-programmed.

Truflo's all plastic flow meter is truly plug and play, this is another reason why many choose Truflo. Operators can utilize the truflo all plastic flow meter's 4-20mA analog output to control pump speed through VFDs, or open and close proportional control valves based on flow rate.

The TKS truflo all plastic flow meter comes equipped with a 1AMP programmable relay output that enable it to act as a flow switch. The most common output with all plastic flow meters is a pulse frequency output, with the truflo all plastic flow meter you can use this pulse output to control pumps or connect with a batch controller. For example, KIK custom products utilized truflo's all plastic flow meter to dilute and repackage concentrated bleach to the consumer market. Another example is when Fresh Produce Farms used the truflo all plastic flow meter to inject fertilizer into the corps preventing any contamination.

All plastic flow meters are the best choice for any chemicals or media that will corrode stainless steel, the truflo all plastic flow meter excels in applications where the competition will not hold up. So when you are specifying an all plastic flow meter, choose truflo. The most industrial all plastic flow meter on the market!..
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